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Monday, June 10, 2013


1. What are the types of comparison in English?
a. positive degree
b. comparative degree
c. superlative degree

2. Give 5 examples
a. positive degree
- brownies as small as Chesee cake
- Syauqi is as smart as Indra
- Beni sing as good as Indro
- Hirzi rides as fast as Bobby
- Dea is as small as mala

b. comparative degree
My brother is more arogant than me.
I find swimming harder than running.
- The weather yesterday is better than the weather today
- Honest is more important than money
- Syauqi is more cute than Indra

c. superlative degree
- Good health is the most expensive in life
- February is the shortest month of the year
- Earthquake is the worst accident in PADANG 
- Indonesia is the best culture in the world
- Cristiano Ronaldo is the greatest football player in the world

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