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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 " PUISI"

Nama : Vickry
Npm: 17212572
Kelas: 4EA11

Hold A Dream
Not deterrent I am stepping …
Knitting all dream that is getting weaker
Harsh road that I traveled during this
Hot blazing sun never end
But one of my handheld
To reach all dream …
I will pursue that dream skies
This seemed tongue-tied …
Ya Allah … O my God.
I beg my prayers to be reality granted to pursue that dream until I succeed
There is only a dream tomorrow …
Sometimes in the day
Despite what lies ahead …
I believe the earth won’t silent …
For welcoming step my foot …
For reaching my Ideals
Million won his for stepping
A sea of sweat covering my
I never cared Won’t
I will achieve all the dreams
The earth is always spinning …
Science comes over me
Deliver about my future
Which it reached for my dream with my mightily
Every day I open the book
I will absorb knowledge from books
Unconsciously I can all my new passion
To achieve my Ideals
O dream ,, Wait for me there …
I pick it up to you as well as real
Its just my taste
I’m sure God willing, the dream will come true

Pursuing A Dream

Not just a dream.
That it lost because of this.
There is only a dream tomorrow.
Who remembered later on the day.
But it all right away.
Passed without anxiety liver.
Only memories and dreams.
Not the missing eroded day.
Believe all your dreams.
And follow your conscience.
that will lead you.
Grab all of your identity.
A Deep Meaning of Friendship

Friendship is like the two rings that have different shapes
But can be combined with a very strong sense
Friendship is just a word
But it has a deep meaning
We’ll feel it when actually find
A continued friend in a life
Friendship has always been an oasis when we experience sadness
Friendship is always a joy to be complementary
A day without friends is very strange
Months without friends are very painful
True friends will always be missed
Talks will continue to be memorable
Easy to get a rich friend
But hard getting a forever friend
Because a true friend is not for a reason


I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
Through so many smiles,
And even more tears.

You accepted me warmly,
You love me so much.
I love your sweet smile,
I love your soft touch.

I love that you love me
The way that I am,
I love that you see me
Like no one else can.

I love that I love you
Like no one before,
I'd love you forever
And still I'd crave more.

I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
I'll be with you always
Til the end of time nears.

I Miss You Mom

I miss you
I lean in your back from my fatigue
In your arms I lay from my remorse
Has far distance that separates us
Stretches of yearning in our hearts
I miss you
I have tried to collect the beauty of the world to change your present
I have tried to look for the best to fill my longing
But it was no use
Because you cannot be replaced as well
I miss you
The world would not be able take your place
The world will not be able to bother you
Only you who is always in my heart
You’re the only mother who is always there in my head
I miss you
The world was not meant to your presence
The world cannot prop up the heart and the extent of your affection
Because you’re the one who beautify my life
So beautiful in every second in your arms
So beautiful in every second in your lap
I miss you
My yearning to you will not be defeated by time
My love to you will not be defeated by distance
I’ll meet you
Right away after i completing my tasks

Kesimpulan: Dari kelima puisi tersebut saya sangat menyukai puisi tentang ibu, karena bagi saya ibu adalah segalanya, ibu yang rela berkorban dan rela melakukan segala nya demi semua anak-anaknya. Walaupun ibu saya telah tiada tapi saya sangat mencintai ibu saya.
From the five poem, I really liked the poem a poem about the mother, because the mother is everything to me, the mother who willingly sacrifice and to do everything in her for the sake of all the children. Although my mother was gone but I really love my mother

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