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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 " PUISI"

Nama : Vickry
Npm: 17212572
Kelas: 4EA11

Hold A Dream
Not deterrent I am stepping …
Knitting all dream that is getting weaker
Harsh road that I traveled during this
Hot blazing sun never end
But one of my handheld
To reach all dream …
I will pursue that dream skies
This seemed tongue-tied …
Ya Allah … O my God.
I beg my prayers to be reality granted to pursue that dream until I succeed
There is only a dream tomorrow …
Sometimes in the day
Despite what lies ahead …
I believe the earth won’t silent …
For welcoming step my foot …
For reaching my Ideals
Million won his for stepping
A sea of sweat covering my
I never cared Won’t
I will achieve all the dreams
The earth is always spinning …
Science comes over me
Deliver about my future
Which it reached for my dream with my mightily
Every day I open the book
I will absorb knowledge from books
Unconsciously I can all my new passion
To achieve my Ideals
O dream ,, Wait for me there …
I pick it up to you as well as real
Its just my taste
I’m sure God willing, the dream will come true

Pursuing A Dream

Not just a dream.
That it lost because of this.
There is only a dream tomorrow.
Who remembered later on the day.
But it all right away.
Passed without anxiety liver.
Only memories and dreams.
Not the missing eroded day.
Believe all your dreams.
And follow your conscience.
that will lead you.
Grab all of your identity.
A Deep Meaning of Friendship

Friendship is like the two rings that have different shapes
But can be combined with a very strong sense
Friendship is just a word
But it has a deep meaning
We’ll feel it when actually find
A continued friend in a life
Friendship has always been an oasis when we experience sadness
Friendship is always a joy to be complementary
A day without friends is very strange
Months without friends are very painful
True friends will always be missed
Talks will continue to be memorable
Easy to get a rich friend
But hard getting a forever friend
Because a true friend is not for a reason


I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
Through so many smiles,
And even more tears.

You accepted me warmly,
You love me so much.
I love your sweet smile,
I love your soft touch.

I love that you love me
The way that I am,
I love that you see me
Like no one else can.

I love that I love you
Like no one before,
I'd love you forever
And still I'd crave more.

I've known you forever,
I've known you four years.
I'll be with you always
Til the end of time nears.

I Miss You Mom

I miss you
I lean in your back from my fatigue
In your arms I lay from my remorse
Has far distance that separates us
Stretches of yearning in our hearts
I miss you
I have tried to collect the beauty of the world to change your present
I have tried to look for the best to fill my longing
But it was no use
Because you cannot be replaced as well
I miss you
The world would not be able take your place
The world will not be able to bother you
Only you who is always in my heart
You’re the only mother who is always there in my head
I miss you
The world was not meant to your presence
The world cannot prop up the heart and the extent of your affection
Because you’re the one who beautify my life
So beautiful in every second in your arms
So beautiful in every second in your lap
I miss you
My yearning to you will not be defeated by time
My love to you will not be defeated by distance
I’ll meet you
Right away after i completing my tasks

Kesimpulan: Dari kelima puisi tersebut saya sangat menyukai puisi tentang ibu, karena bagi saya ibu adalah segalanya, ibu yang rela berkorban dan rela melakukan segala nya demi semua anak-anaknya. Walaupun ibu saya telah tiada tapi saya sangat mencintai ibu saya.
From the five poem, I really liked the poem a poem about the mother, because the mother is everything to me, the mother who willingly sacrifice and to do everything in her for the sake of all the children. Although my mother was gone but I really love my mother

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 "Apa yg kita lakukan setelah lulus kuliah"

Vickry (17212572)

what do we do after graduation? I will do after graduation is urgently looking for a job. Before I entered the working world I must cultivate the intention in my heart that I should try to get a job that suits my wishes.

After I worked about 2-3 years, after saving the money I collected, I will make a restaurant or cafe, because of my interest in the culinary world then I decided to entrepreneurship in the culinary field.

after success in the culinary business I was about 5 years after my entrepreneurship will plan your travel around the world with my wife and children later, and bring my parents go to Hajj. I hope all my dreams achieved amen.
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Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 "Menceritakan Tempat Wisata"

Vickry (17212572)
Tempat Wisata "Pulau Sempu"

Sempu island paradise known as one of the world. The island, located about 75 km from downtown Malang has an extraordinary beauty. The place of this nature is a nature reserve which is managed by the city government. The vegetation here is quite diverse ranging from coastal forest, tropical forest to mangrove forests. Just that alone owned Sempu Island? Wait. The most interesting thing here is Segara nymph is a lake in the middle of the island with an area of ​​4 hectares.

Segara Chicks became the main attraction sites in Malang. Water from the lake comes from the southern ocean waves coming in through a hole in the cliff side of the lake. The water in the lake is cold and very clear until you can see the bottom easily. Here, you are free swimming, fishing or playing in the white sand ramps.

To get to the island is not easy. You must first motor boat ride from Blue Spring Beach. Do not forget to save the phone number owner's fishing boat to be picked up again when you're going home. Once out of the boat, your journey is still unfinished. You must be quite long trekking through the forest conservation. Fatigue will pay off when you see the beauty of Segara Chicks are still very natural. This island is uninhabited, so if you want to stay, the only way is by camping
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2" Review Novel"

Nama : Vickry
Kelas : 4EA11
NPM : 17212572

Title : Rainbow Troops
Author : Andrea Hirata
First Copy Right Date : July, 2007
Type of Book : Fiction

The Rainbow Troops, chapter 1: Ten New Students
THAT morning , when I was just a boy, I sat on a long bench outside of a school. The branch of an old filicium tree shaded me. My father sat beside me, hugging my shoulders with both of his arms as he nodded and smiled to each parent and child sitting side by side on the bench in front of us.
It was an important day: the first day of elementary school. At the end of those long benches was an open door, and inside was an empty classroom. The door frame was crooked. The entire school, in fact, leaned as if it would collapse at any moment. In the doorway stood two teachers, like hosts welcoming guests to a party. There was an old man with a patient face, Bapak K.A. Harfan Efendy Noor, or Pak Harfan—the school principal—and a young woman wearing a jilbab, or headscarf, Ibu N.A. Muslimah Hafsari, or Bu Mus for short. Like my father, they also were smiling.
Yet Bu Mus’ smile was a forced smile: she was apprehensive. Her face was tense and twitching nervously. She kept counting the number of children sitting on the long benches, so worried that she didn’t even care about the sweat pouring down onto her eyelids. The sweat beading around her nose smudged her powder makeup, streaking her face and making her look like the queen’s servant in Dul Muluk, an ancient play in our village.
“Nine people, just nine people, Pamanda Guru, still short one,” she said anxiously to the principal. Pak Harfan stared at her with an empty look in his eyes.
I too felt anxious. Anxious because of the restless Bu Mus, and because of the sensation of my father’s burden spreading over my entire body. Although he seemed friendly and at ease this morning, his rough arm hanging around my neck gave away his quick heartbeat. I knew he was nervous, and I was aware that it wasn’t easy for a 47-year-old miner with a lot of children and a small salary to send his son to school. It would have been much easier to send me to work as a helper for a Chinese grocery stall owner at the morning market, or to the coast to work as a coolie to help ease the family’s financial burdens. Sending a child to school meant tying oneself to years of costs, and that was no easy matter for our family.
My poor father. I didn’t have the heart to look him in the eye. It would probably be better if I just went home, forgot about school, followed in the footsteps of some of my older brothers and cousins, and became a coolie …
My father wasn’t the only one trembling. The face of each parent showed that they weren’t really sitting on those long benches. Their thoughts, like my father’s, were drifting off to the morning market as they imagined their sons better off as workers. These parents weren’t convinced that their children’s education, which they could only afford up to junior high, would brighten their families’ futures. This morning they were forced to be at this school, either to avoid reproach from government officials for not sending their children to school, or to submit to modern demands to free their children from illiteracy

 1. when I (Subject) was just a boy, I sat (Verb 3)on a long bench outside of a school
 2. My father (Subject)sat (Verb 3)beside me, hugging (Verb) my shoulders with both of his arms
 3. Yet Bu Mus’(Subject) smile (verb)was a forced smile: she was apprehensive(verb)
 4.Her (Subject)face was tense and twitching nervously (Adjective)
 5. The sweat beading (Adjective) around her nose smudged her (Subject)powder makeup
 6. Anxious (Adjective)because of the restless (Adjective)Bu Mus(Subject), and because of the sensation of my father’s burden spreading (Adjective) over my entire body
 7. Although he seemed friendly (Adjective)and at ease this morning, his (Subject) rough arm hanging around my (Subject) neck gave away his quick heartbeat
 8. It would have been much easier (adjective)to send me (subject) to work(verb) as a helper (verb) for a Chinese grocery stall
 9. The face of each parent showed (verb) that they weren’t really sitting(verb) on those long benches
 10. Their thoughts, like my father’s(subject), were drifting off to the morning market as they imagined (verb)their sons better off as workers
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Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Translating 2nd Paragraph

Adityo Eko Saputro 10212260
Muhammad Najmi Yusuf 15212014
Sandy Tri Sulistiyo 16212818
Vickry 17212572
Wijaya Sultan 17212704

Bisnis adalah kata yang umum digunakan dalam berbagai bahasa, tapi apa artinya ? Konsep dan kegiatan bisnis telah meningkat di zaman modern, tradisional, bisnis hanya berarti pertukaran atau perdagangan untuk hal-hal yang orang inginkan atau dibutuhkan. Hari ini ia memiliki definisi yang lebih teknis, salah satu definisi bisnis adalah produksi, distribusi, dan penjualan barang dan jasa, untuk keuntungan untuk memeriksa definisi ini. Kita akan melihat bagian arious nya.

1. Waht is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
The main idea of paragraph 1 is about business

2. How does the modern meaning of business differ from traditional one ?
The concepts  and activities of business have increased in modern time. Traditionaly, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed.

3. What is the main idea of parafraph 2 ?
Production and distribution of car

4.  What is ‘Production’ ?
Production is the creation of services or the changing of materials ino products.

5. What is distribution ?
Product need to be moved from the factory to the marketplace

6. How do goods differ from service ?
Goods are products which people either need or want. Services,on the other hand,are activities which a person or group performs for another person or organization

7. What is 'Sale'?
Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money.

8. How many factors are there in business ? what are they ?
Production, distribution and sale

9. What is profit ?
Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid

10. What is the primary goal of business activity ?
A major goal in the functioning of an American bisinss company is making a profit.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tugas Etika Bisnis “PHK dan demo karyawan"


Dalam kehidupannya setiap orang mempunyai kebutuhan yang beraneka ragam. Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya tersebut, kita dituntut untuk bekerja, baik bekerja sendiri dengan membuka peluang usaha baru, berwirausaha ataupun juga bisa dengan bekerja dengan orang lain. Pekerjaan yang diusahakan sendiri adalah bekerja atas usaha modal dan tanggungjawab sendiri. Sedang bekerja pada orang lain adalah bekerja dengan bergantung pada orang lain , yang memberikan perintah dan mengaturnya , karena itu ia  harus tunduk dan patuh pada orang lain yang memberikan pekerjaan tersebut.
Dengan adanya hubungan pekerjaan, karyawan mempunyai hak dan tanggung jawab begitupula dengan pihak perusahaan. 

Seperti halnya hidup, pengabdian dan tanggungjawab kita di perusahaan juga pasti akan berakhir. Namun setiap orang yang bekerja memiliki waktu pengabdian di perusahaan yang berbeda-beda,ada yang hingga batas ketentuan yang telah disepakati, atau mungkin berakhir di tengah karier. Bagi yang telah mencapai batas perjanjian, tentu saja tidaklah bermasalah. Namun lain halnya dengan yang terpaksa harus berhenti ditengah masa kerjanya. Pemutusan hubungan kerja sangatlah berpengaruh terhadap kondisi perekonomian masyarakat yang sudah di PHK dari perusahaannya.

Contoh Kasus PHK di Indonesia

Solidaritas.net, Bitung – Aksi demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh mantan buruh PT Manado Mina Citra Taruna, Kota Bitung, Sulawesi Utara, Senin (1/6/2015), berujung ricuh. Pasalnya, dalam demo itu, massa buruh bersikap anarkistik dengan melempar air berbau busuk dan terlibat aksi dorong dengan aparat kepolisian yang berjaga-jaga di depan pintu gerbang perusahaan. Akibat kericuhan tersebut, sebanyak dua orang buruh pun sempat diamankan oleh petugas.
demo buruh ksbsi bitung
Aksi Demo Buruh PT. Manado Mina Citra Taruna Bitung, yang berusaha masuk kedalam area perusahaan. Foto: manadoline.com.
Kericuhan itu sendiri terjadi, karena pertemuan perwakilan buruh dan kuasa hukum pihak perusahan yang bergerak di bidang pangasapan ikan tersebut menemui jalan buntu. Ratusan buruh yang berdemo memaksa untuk bertemu dan bernegosiasi dengan pemilik perusahan, sedangkan pihak perusahaan hanya diwakilkan oleh kuasa hukumnya. Dengan membawa peti mati berwarna hitam, mereka terus berorasi bersama dua anggota DPRD Kota Bitung.
“Kami tidak mau lagi bertemu dengan kuasa hukum, yang sudah berulang-ulang terjadi. Kami hanya ingin bertemu pimpinan perusahan,” ujar perwakilan buruh, Michael Jacobus saat meninggalkan lokasi negosiasi, seperti dikutip dari Tribunnews.com, Rabu (3/6/2015).
Seorang buruh yang mengenakan seragam serikat buruh berwarna merah sempat emosi. Pria itu mengangkat kursi kayu dan akan melemparkannya ke kaca bangunan perusahaan, namun tak berhasil karena dicegah. Kemarahan massa buruh memuncak saat perwakilan perusahaan keluar menemui massa mereka. Pintu gerbang yang dijaga petugas didorong.
Aksi demo yang sudah berulang kali tersebut dilakukan karena pihak perusahaan melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terhadap 67 buruh sejak tiga bulan yang lalu. Mereka di-PHK, karena mempertanyakan upah yang dibayar oleh perusahaan tidak sesuai dengan upah minimum provinsi (UMP) tahun 2015, serta hak-hak normatif lainnya. Padahal, mereka telah bekerja cukup lama di perusahaan itu, bahkan ada yang mencapai masa kerja 21 tahun.
Menurut Ketua Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Sejahtera Indonesia (KSBSI) Bitung, Rusdianto Makahinda yang turut memperjuangkan hak-hak buruh tersebut, mengatakan sebenarnya mereka sudah memberikan solusi pada perusahaan. Namun, pihak manajemen perusahaan asal Jepang tersebut tidak mengindahkannya, dan malah menerima banyak karyawan baru.
“Sudah kami beri solusi, kalau tidak mampu bayar pesangon ditawarkan perusahan agar pekerjakan lagi karyawan. Namun perusahan tidak mengindahkan, malahan pihak perusahan merekrut karyawan lainnya untuk bekerja, membuat eks karyawan yang di-PHK sakit hati, karena karyawan baru setiap pergi ke tempat kerja selalu lewat di depan rumah karyawan yang dipecat,” cerita Rusdianto, yang turut mewakili massa buruh, kepada para wartawan.
Sementara itu, di tempat terpisah, kuasa hukum perusahaan, Robert Sengke Tangkudung Lengkong mengatakan permasalahan tersebut sudah melalui proses hukum dan dimediasi lewat tripartit, namun tidak menemukan kesepakatan. Sambil menunggu proses hukumnnya, perusahaan menawarkan Rp 1 miliar untuk membayar semua hak para buruh yang di-PHK. Namun, ditolak karena dianggap tidak sesuai. Sedangkan, perusahaan hanya mampu membayar sebanyak itu, karena sedang mengalami kerugian selama dua tahun terakhir.
“Kami sudah menyiapkan uang Rp 1 miliar untuk membayar semua hak dan keinginan, seperti pesangon dan lainnya untuk mereka. Namun, mereka tidak terima, katanya tidak sesuai. Dan kami tidak merasa melanggar undang-undang dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Silahkan dibuktikan di pengadilan hubungan industrial, kalau kami salah,” tukas Robert pula.


Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) adalah berakhirnya hubungan kerja sama antara karyawan dengan perusahaan, baik karena ketentuan yang telah disepakati, atau mungkin berakhir di tengah karier . Mendengar istilah PHK, terlintas adalah pemecatan sepihak oleh pihak perusahaan karena kesalahan pekerja. Oleh sebab itu, selama ini singkatan ini memiliki arti yang negative dan menjadi momok menakutkan bagi para pekerja.
Menurut Undang-undang RI No.13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan, Pasal 1 ayat 25, pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) adalah pengakhiran hubungan kerja karena suatu hal tertentu yang mengakibatkan berakhirnya hak dan kewajiban antara pekerja atau buruh dan pengusaha.
Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) memiliki berbagai pengertian, diantaranya :
1.                 Menurut Mutiara S. Panggabean
Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) merupakan pengakhiran hubungan kerja antara pekerja dan pengusaha yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai macam alasan, sehingga berakhir pula hak dan kewajiban di antara mereka.
2.                 Menurut Malayu S.P. Hasibuan 
Pemberhentian adalah fungsi operatif terakhir manajemen sumberdaya manusia.Dan istilah ini mempunyai sinonim dengan separation, pemisahan atau pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK).
3.                 Menurut Sondang P. Siagian 
Pemutusan hubungan kerja adalah ketika ikatan formal antara organisasi selaku pemakai tenaga kerja dan karyawannya terputus.
4.                 Menurut Suwatno 
Pemutusan hubungan kerja adalah pengakhiran hubungan kerja karena suatu hal tertentu yang mengakibatkan berakhirnya hak dan kewajiban antara pekerja/buruh dan pengusaha.
Menurut pendapat saya, melirik dari contoh kasus diatas dan berdasarkan pula dengan etika bisnis, seharusnya perusahaan tersebut jika tidak mampu membayar pesangon untuk karyawan yang di PHK , maka pekerjakan kembali saja karyawan tersebut bukan dengan mempekerjakan karyawan baru, dengan hal itu membuat sakit hatipara mantan karyawan .
Secara etika bisnis tindakan tersebut adalah tidak benar, seharusnya karyawan dan perusahaan mempunyai hubungan yang harmonis dan saling menguntungkan satu sama lain bukan hanya memikirkan keuntungan perusahaan sendiri.
Solusi nya menurut saya adalah para pihak direksi dan petinggi perusahaan harus duduk bersama dengan para karyawan yang di PHK untuk mencapai keputusan yang menguntungkan kedua belah pihak , agar keadaan tidak semakin keruh dan agar tidak banyak nya provokator yang membuat keadaan semakin ricuh. Perusahaandan para karyawan haus melakukan negosiasi masalah gaji dan upah UMP agar tercapai nya win win solution.
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